
Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading

Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading

This is a post I have been trying to write for quite some time, mainly because I want to write something that helps everyone feel prepared for their Akashic Records reading. There are definitely a few things you need to think about prior to your reading, and that you want to make sure you have ready so you can get everything you need from your hour long session.

These are the main things you need to think about before your Akashic Records reading are the following

Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean You Are Perfect!

Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean You Are Perfect!

What does being spiritual really mean?

There are so many ideas of what being spiritual really means and looks like. Some people have preconcieved notions of what being spiritual is - what you should look like, act like and even the things you “must” take part in.

Soul Contracts Within the Akashic Records Digital Course | Soul Tribe Academy

Soul Contracts Within the Akashic Records Digital Course | Soul Tribe Academy

Hey Soul Tribe! We are so excited to announce that we have launched a Soul Contracts in the Akashic Records online course!

This course was created for you to understand your Soul's contract and how it all works. We have included all the information we know and also channeled information from our Masters and Guides. We channelled information directly from them through the Akashic Records. We hope this course helps you understand soul contracts on a whole new level and helps you feel more connected to your higher-self and the Akashic Records.

June Akashic Records Level 1 Virtual Course

June Akashic Records Level 1 Virtual Course

We are so excited to announce that we are offering one more Akashic Records Level 1 training class on Zoom this coming June 13th and 14th. The course will be held via zoom on consecutive days and we will also have a follow-up group class June 21st in order to answer any questions you may have once you start opening your own Akashic Records

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

What is that specific thing that keeps repeating in your life reflecting back to you? As spiritual beings we need to realise that anything that is triggering us (bothering us) about someone or something outside of us is there to open our eyes to something within us. Especially during this time of coronavirus where many people are finding themselves feeling triggered this message from the Masters, Guides and Beings of Light is here to give you some peace.



We are so excited to announce that we are offering an Akashic Records Level 1 training class on Zoom this coming April 18th and 19th. The course will be held via zoom on 2 consecutive days and will also have a follow up group class in order to answer any questions you may have once you start opening your own Akashic Records.

Healthy & Easy Protein Ball Recipe | Lorena Espiga Wellness

Healthy & Easy Protein Ball Recipe | Lorena Espiga Wellness

With everything going on in the world right now, I find myself enjoying cooking and baking even more. It’s like a pause, or a moment to breathe and not think about anything else. Kind of like a meditation but not so spiritual.

I think that as we all find ourselves locked in our houses and trying to be healthy and move our bodies more, cooking/baking healthy things will be so important for our bodies and souls.

What is going on right now...

What is going on right now...

What a crazy rollercoaster of a week it has been so far! I think it’s safe to say that we are all (or almost all of us) on the same boat, in our own way.

I have been a little quiet since I am trying to really process all this fear, frustration and uncertainty. We are all collectively feeling this in different ways and we need to sort through and figure out what this virus is bringing up in our lives. I truly believe it is here to how us our shadow and to re-align us in a different way. This is all happening for us to change.

✨ Akashic Records Reading Sale Extension ✨

✨ Akashic Records Reading Sale Extension ✨

Hello beautiful people! I have some exciting news! I have decided to continue the Akashic Records Reading Sale until the end of March.

I received some messages from my Guides and Masters to continue with the sale because people need this more than ever right now.

How to Connect to Your Intuition

How to Connect to Your Intuition

Intuition was a word I heard thrown around a lot, but even more was “follow your gut.” I never was one to follow “my gut” with things in life. I always did what was expected of me and tried not to cause any issues or conflict. No one told me to be this way, but I believe this is part of my learning process to listen to myself, to be myself - to be authentically me. To essentially love myself and accept myself for everything: my thoughts, feelings, issues, etc.

How to prepare for an Akashic Records reading

How to prepare for an Akashic Records reading

This is a post I have been trying to write for quite some time, mainly because I want to write something that helps everyone feel prepared for their Akashic Records reading. There are definitely a few things you need to think about prior to your reading, and that you want to make sure you have ready so you can get everything you need from your hour long session.

These are the main things you need to think about before your Akashic Records reading are the following

Grounding and Elevating Your Energy

Grounding and Elevating Your Energy

As souls living this human experience we sometimes forget to come down, to ground. We let life get in the way…stress, work, kids, running around to get to appointments, deadlines, etc. You get the idea! I have put together a list of some of my favorite grounding techniques.