Grounding and Elevating Your Energy

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As souls living this human experience we sometimes forget to come down, to ground. We let life get in the way…stress, work, kids, running around to get to appointments, deadlines, etc. You get the idea! I have put together a list of some of my favorite grounding techniques:

1 -  Palo Santo, sage, incense or use essential oils
Each one of these has a powerful effect on our mood, energy and getting our parasympathetic nervous system to kick in (rest and digest). Essentially when we ground we are coming back down, down from the stress, the mind and the overflow of energy in the upper half of our body. Burning sage, using essential oils or even the ritual with using these can help us so much with “coming back down.”

2 - Breathe work
Conscious breathing has such a profound effect on our health and mood, that if only we could grasp this concept we would pay more attention to it. We can breathe and ground ourselves almost anywhere. Maybe you find yourself stressed at work or stuck and traffic cursing (that happens to me) literally just stop, take deep breathes and maybe even add in a mantra. It will ground you in a mater of seconds. We need to breathe to move energy and let stagnated energy out. Kundalini is an amazing way of incorporating this into your movement routine.

Grounding and elevating your energy

3 - Nature
Nature has an amazingly magical effect on our body, mind and spirit. We can ground ourselves by walking barefoot on the beach, hiking in nature, taking a plunge in the ocean or a lake. Whatever it is for you and where you live, get outside. If you have a dog use this as time to walk your fur baby and also ground yourself in nature. It’s purifying, cleansing and detoxifying. 

4 - Sea salt
Salt is absolutely amazing! Sea salt, solar salt, sulfur salt, Hawaiian salt or Himalayan salt…these are literally healing for the body. Take a bath with some salt, let it penetrate your pores and relax. This is such a good way of releasing stagnated energy, relaxing the muscles and changing your entire energy. It’s easy and cheap too!

5 - Moving your body
By moving your body you can move energy inside. Yoga is a great example of this, but don’t get stuck with one thing. It could be walking, jogging, biking, pilates, etc. We need to do what calls out to us. The moment we do something forced or that doesn’t feel true to our essence we are going against what is grounding us. Sometimes we can ignore our bodies, not pay attention to the fact that this vessel is what is allowing us to have this human experience on earth. We need to keep it strong and healthy in order to continue to progress spiritually.

crystals and grounding and elevating your energy

6 - Crystals
There is so much to say about crystals! They can assist with protecting our energy, helping channel information and tune into energy. It can accentuate energy and even move energy. You can use this everyday if you have a bracelet or necklace. You can also put crystals on your desk or in your pocket. There is so much information on crystals online, do some research and see what most resonates with you and what you feel.

There are so many more ways to ground ourselves like sound, color, meditation, food, etc. I just shared a few that I felt most called to mention, but I will definitely do a whole blog post and YouTube video about this for everyone. 

How do you ground yourself when you are feeling stressed, off or energetically drained? I would love to hear your comments

x Love & Light x
