The Soul Tribe Academy was created by myself (Lorena) and my sister Lucia. We are also the hosts of The Soul Tribe Podcast and our mission is to help support everyone on their spiritual path, wherever you are.
We are both Akashic Record Readers and between the 2 of us we have over 25 years of Akashic channeling experience. We have created The Soul Tribe Academy to teach individuals how to connect with their Akashic Records, Higher-Self, Masters, Guides and Being of Light.
Our mission is to help connect and enlighten ourselves and those around us and work towards the evolution of the subconscious unity.
“Working for the evolution of the subconscious unity.”
Become your own intuitive reader, receive your own Akashic information. You will be given all the tools and knowledge needed to access information from your Book, Masters, Guides & Beings of Light. This course will allow you to be your own Akashic channel. Akashic Records Level 1 will allows you to become an Akashic Records reader.
This is the first step to creating a direct channel to receiving your own information that can profoundly enhance your connection to Higher-Self and to help you make important life decisions. You will be your own intuitive guide!
The direct contact to your sacred information will allow you to heal past/current trauma, emotional blockages and to see your life/path with a broader perspective. This new tool will allow you to further develop your spiritual abilities, life mission and overall wellbeing. With this course you will learn to trust your intuitive messages and allow your connection to progress and grow with time and practice.
This course was created via the channeling of the Akashic Masters through both our sacred books. We have added our own knowledge and experiences to help you develop this intuitive side of yourself. We invite you to connect to your Akashic Records and to use our knowledge and experience to become the best reader for yourself and your sacred information.
We are so excited for you to embark on this journey and experience all the Akashic Records have to give you in this soul incarnation.
The Akashic Records Level 2 course takes the Akashic Records Level 1 course to the next level.
This course will teach you to become an Akashic Records Reader for others. You will learn to become a channel and receive information from the sacred and divine realm via the channeling process in order to assist others on their own spiritual and healing journey.
We consider level 1 of the Akashic Records to be the self-healing course. You were your own healer, your own detective, your own reader. We consider level 2 to be an external-healing tool. To help others heal, investigate and provide them with all the needed information to create change and alignment in their life.
Akashic Records Level 2 takes you from an Akashic Reader to an Akashic Healer. Helping you tap into your own light worker energy and healing abilities, as well as learning from reading other's sacred information.
This course is also about respecting the Akashic Records, the Akashic Realm and the sacred information of other Souls. Taking on the role of Akashic Healer is a big responsibility, which should not be taken lightly. This course will give you the tools to gain the needed confidence in order to show up in the best way possible for others. Always showing up and doing right by the Akashic Records and the Soul's you are assisting.
This course can help you learn to read other's Akashic Records for your own spiritual journey or to turn this into a soul aligned thriving business. Whatever has brought you here, trust the calling and messages from your Soul. We truly believe that many of us are here to assist via the connection and energy of the Akashic Records.
We are so excited for you to embark on this journey and experience and to have you as part of our soul tribe.
This course was created by Lorena & Lucia to help you understand your Soul's contract and how it all works. This course was created using the information we have learned as Akashic Record readers with the assistance of our Masters and Guides. Channelling information directly from them through the Akashic Records. We hope this course brings you understanding and helps you feel more connected to your higher-self and the Akashic Records.
Fully understanding how the Soul Contract is created, planned and how it plays out will allow you to become a better Akashic Records reader.
In this course you will discover all the amazing details that go into creating Souls Contracts. We go into great detail about the complete process of the contract creation, from choosing elements of the upcoming incarnation to picking your life partners or Soul mates. You will also learn what Beings of Light assist in this process of the Contract creation. The amount of information on your contract is limitless and contains every aspect of the upcoming incarnation.
Just like a legal document, your Soul contract is an agreement to certain terms, conditions and possible resolutions in this lifetime.
"Knowledge is power, and understanding your spiritual life will help you understand your human life." (Masters and Guides)
Every life incarnation has its own Soul contract, personal and specific to that lifetime and to that incarnation. Your current life contract is unique just like your personality and your thoughts. In this course we will go into specific details on each aspect of the contract, why they are chosen and why it's important.
The soul contract is important, it is what determines what you are here to do, why your soul chose to come and why you have certain struggles.
We invite you to learn more about your Soul and its contract in this lifetime. The Masters, Guides and Being of Light have channeled this information to remind you of how connected you are to your Soul and your contract.
Become your own intuitive reader, receive your own Akashic information. You will be given all the tools and knowledge needed to access information from your Book, Masters, Guides & Beings of Light. This course will allow you to be your own Akashic channel. Connecting to your Akashic Records Certification will allows you to become an Akashic Records reader.
This is the first step to creating a direct channel to receiving your own information that can profoundly enhance your connection to Higher-Self and to help you make important life decisions. You will be your own intuitive guide!
The direct contact to your sacred information will allow you to heal past/current trauma, emotional blockages and to see your life/path with a broader perspective. This new tool will allow you to further develop your spiritual abilities, life mission and overall wellbeing. With this course you will learn to trust your intuitive messages and allow your connection to progress and grow with time and practice.
This course was created via the channeling of the Akashic Masters through both our sacred books. We have added our own knowledge and experiences to help you develop this intuitive side of yourself. We invite you to connect to your Akashic Records and to use our knowledge and experience to become the best reader for yourself and your sacred information.
We are so excited for you to embark on this journey and experience all the Akashic Records have to give you in this soul incarnation.
Conviértete en tu propio lector intuitivo, recibí tu propia información Akáshica. A través de este curso vas a recibir todas las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para acceder a la información de su Libro de la Vida (Akáshico), Maestros, Guías y Seres de Luz. Este curso te permitirá ser tu propio canal Akáshico y ser su propio lector de los Registros Akáshicos.
Este es el primer paso para crear un canal directo para recibir su propia información que puede mejorar profundamente su conexión con su Ser Superior y ayudarlos a tomar decisiones importantes en la vida. ¡Serás tu propio guía intuitivo!
El contacto directo con su información sagrada le permitirá sanar traumas pasados y actuales, bloqueos emocionales y ver su vida y camino con una perspectiva más amplia. Esta nueva herramienta le permitirá desarrollar aún más sus habilidades espirituales, misión de vida y bienestar general. Con este curso aprenderás a confiar en sus mensajes intuitivos y permitirá que su conexión progrese y crezca con el tiempo y la práctica.
Este curso fue creado a través de la canalización de los Maestros Akáshicos a través de nuestros libros sagrados. Hemos agregado nuestro propio conocimiento y experiencias para ayudarlo a desarrollar su propio poder intuitivo. Lo invitamos a conectarse con sus Registros Akáshicos y a utilizar nuestro conocimiento y experiencia para convertirse en el mejor lector para usted y recibir su información sagrada.
Estamos muy emocionadas de que qué empiecen cone este viaje Akáshico y que puedan experimentar todos los beneficios que puede brindarles los Registros Akáshicos en esta encarnación del alma.
This course was created by Lorena & Lucia to help you understand your Soul's contract and how it all works. This course was created using the information we have learned as Akashic Record readers with the assistance of our Masters and Guides. Channelling information directly from them through the Akashic Records. We hope this course brings you understanding and helps you feel more connected to your higher-self and the Akashic Records.
Fully understanding how the Soul Contract is created, planned and how it plays out will allow you to become a better Akashic Records reader.
In this course you will discover all the amazing details that go into creating Souls Contracts. We go into great detail about the complete process of the contract creation, from choosing elements of the upcoming incarnation to picking your life partners or Soul mates. You will also learn what Beings of Light assist in this process of the Contract creation. The amount of information on your contract is limitless and contains every aspect of the upcoming incarnation.
Just like a legal document, your Soul contract is an agreement to certain terms, conditions and possible resolutions in this lifetime.
"Knowledge is power, and understanding your spiritual life will help you understand your human life." (Masters and Guides)
Every life incarnation has its own Soul contract, personal and specific to that lifetime and to that incarnation. Your current life contract is unique just like your personality and your thoughts. In this course we will go into specific details on each aspect of the contract, why they are chosen and why it's important.
The soul contract is important, it is what determines what you are here to do, why your soul chose to come and why you have certain struggles.
We invite you to learn more about your Soul and its contract in this lifetime. The Masters, Guides and Being of Light have channeled this information to remind you of how connected you are to your Soul and your contract.
This Complete Bach Flower Remedy Guide was created for you to expand your life, realign you on your soul path and allow you to become a healer. Any sickness that shows up in your body was present in your spirit and aura much before the body took the sickness on. The Bach system is preventative medicine, healing your soul and aura. By healing your spirit you are preventing the sickness from reaching your physical body.
This course was created and laid out in a way so you can easily find the current issue and confirm the correct remedy, enhancing quality of life, realigning and rebalancing the mind, body and spirit.
You will learn what is taught in traditional Bach Flower courses, plus the added channeled information from the Master, Guides and Being of Light through the Akashic Records. This additional information will allow you to understand how the remedies work and how they can benefit current struggles, ailments, issues or mental states
You will learn the negative and positive state of each remedy, why and how it benefits the individual taking the remedy. We wanted this guide to be a go to for anyone looking to become a healer, with easy to digest information and a format that makes it quick and easy to find what you need. You will be able to reference back to the manual/course whenever you need it.
We believe that you can heal yourself with Bach Remedies on so many levels, and like every course we create we wanted it to be as easy, grounded and relatable as possible.
You will have the power and knowledge to heal the mind, body and spirit through Bach Flower remedies.
This Numerology course will dive into all the important numbers in your life to help you find life patterns, struggles, missions, purposes and even personality traits. Numerology can help you calculate the best times to do specific things in your life, best times to make needed life changes. Numerology will also help you understand yourself better, your reactions, your emotions and/or fears. You will also find that numerology is a great way to understand those around you better, understanding what drives them, their reactions and shortcomings as well.
This tool should be used to help you understand your own life and the lives of those closest to you. Use this tool to gain clarity. The Masters, Guides and Beings of Light recommend that you use this tool to add to your treasure trove of abilities. Adding this analytically driven tool will allow your channel, intuition and your higher-self to become attuned with you in this incarnation.
In this course, we channelled information from our Akashic Record Masters for the different numbers to help you gain further insight and information. This information has been sent to us from a high vibrational place and compliments the already insightful information provided in the course and manual.
Some of you may already have a psychic, medium and/or clairvoyant connection, and adding tools like astrology and numerology will allow you to see the bigger picture. With this bigger picture, channelling additional details and information becomes easier, especially if you are just beginning on this spiritual path.
This course was created to help you easily calculate and understand your life numbers and everything that comes with them. This course was also created to give an additional tool to those truth-seekers and spiritual individuals, using it for their personal lives, their relationships and/ or with their current customers.
Numerology will help you understand strong points, positive traits and shortcomings for each number. It can even help you understand repetitive situations and struggles by helping you pinpoint current life karma.
What we love most about numerology is that you do not need to go out and heavily invest in tools, you already have exactly what you need in your possession. Pen, pencil, paper and basic adding and subtracting knowledge are all you will need for this course. No need to be a math wizard here, it is the most basic of math and equations, and we will walk you through each of those steps.
We hope you join us on this journey if insight, understanding and acceptance through Numerology.
This course was created to give you additional support in your spiritual practices. The Masters, Guides and Being of Light channeled through us important information, practices, meditations, exercises, etc that can help you stay balancedand grounded.
In this course we go into a lot of detail about why grounding is so important for you and your spiritual path. Some things we talk about in the course:
* The 7 chakra and which chakras are connected to grounding
* What it means to be grounded
* Positive affects of being grounded in your physical and spiritual life
* What it means to not be grounded
* Negative affects of not being grounded and how this affects you physically and spiritually
* Introduction to grounding exercises/meditations
* Grounding exercises/meditations that you can use to ground (downloadable)
* Mantras and activities for grounding yourself
* Foods that will assist you in grounding
The Masters also share with us how not being grounded can affect your manifestations and your health. In essence this is lack of abundance, lack of your needs being met. In order to live a fulfilled life we need to be grounded, centred and balanced in order to attract health, abundance and spiritual clarity.
With the help of channeling through our own Akashic Records, the Masters, Guided and Being of Light were able to share with us special exercises/meditations that will help you identify and cope with different types of grounding issues. You will learn why these meditations work and what additional actives and exercises you can add to your day to day to enhance your quality of life, your spiritual awakening and to keep your channel flowing with no energy blocks.
Having over 20 years of Akashic Record channeling experience between the two of us, we have found grounding to be one of the most important tools to stay aligned and prepared to channel information clearly and openly. Through our own experience with lack of grounding the Masters, Guides and Being of Light were able to teach us the importance of grounding and to avoid similar situation for ourselves and our students. We personally feel very passionately about grounding, and have been personally affected with this issue and we were called to share this information so that you can avoid being affected physically and spiritually.
You may find that your material needs are not being met when you are not grounded which can result in mental and emotional issues in this physical realm. You will learn about these struggles, how they come into play and how to heal it and realign your life and soul path. Grounding is the key to aligning to our soul guided path and to receive the intuitive messages we need with more clarity and confidence.