energy healing

Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading

Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading

This is a post I have been trying to write for quite some time, mainly because I want to write something that helps everyone feel prepared for their Akashic Records reading. There are definitely a few things you need to think about prior to your reading, and that you want to make sure you have ready so you can get everything you need from your hour long session.

These are the main things you need to think about before your Akashic Records reading are the following



The Soul Tribe Podcast is offering a FREE mass energy healing session for anyone that is interested in receiving this energy.

💫 We will be doing Reiki and Angelic Healing for each of you that signs up. 💫

Akashic Message and Oracle Card - Week of March 30, 2020

Akashic Message and Oracle Card - Week of March 30, 2020

Regeneration. The key to moving forward now. We must all pay attention to how we have been feeling about ourselves and more importantly our lives. How have we been living? How was our day to day? We have been catapulted into a situation of facing our fears, shadows and solitude.



We are so excited to confirm the first The Soul Tribe Podcast live event on Instagram! We are doing a live Akashic Records reading for the group that connects to the event. We will be answering question for the group, so feel free to prepare some ahead of time. We will also be channeling information that comes through that everyone needs to receive, we want this to be super interactive and fun.

What is going on right now...

What is going on right now...

What a crazy rollercoaster of a week it has been so far! I think it’s safe to say that we are all (or almost all of us) on the same boat, in our own way.

I have been a little quiet since I am trying to really process all this fear, frustration and uncertainty. We are all collectively feeling this in different ways and we need to sort through and figure out what this virus is bringing up in our lives. I truly believe it is here to how us our shadow and to re-align us in a different way. This is all happening for us to change.

How to prepare for an Akashic Records reading

How to prepare for an Akashic Records reading

This is a post I have been trying to write for quite some time, mainly because I want to write something that helps everyone feel prepared for their Akashic Records reading. There are definitely a few things you need to think about prior to your reading, and that you want to make sure you have ready so you can get everything you need from your hour long session.

These are the main things you need to think about before your Akashic Records reading are the following

Grounding and Elevating Your Energy

Grounding and Elevating Your Energy

As souls living this human experience we sometimes forget to come down, to ground. We let life get in the way…stress, work, kids, running around to get to appointments, deadlines, etc. You get the idea! I have put together a list of some of my favorite grounding techniques.