Intuition was a word I heard thrown around a lot, but even more was “follow your gut.” I never was one to follow “my gut” with things in life. I always did what was expected of me and tried not to cause any issues or conflict. No one told me to be this way, but I believe this is part of my learning process to listen to myself, to be myself - to be authentically me. To essentially love myself and accept myself for everything: my thoughts, feelings, issues, etc.
Weekend Vlog #1 - Akashic Records, Beach Time, The Soul Tribe Podcast | Lorena Espiga Wellness
Akashic Records Reading Sale
To take advantage if this incredible Akashic Records sale all you have to do is email me at between February 15th and March 15th and make a booking. Any bookings confirmed between these dates will cost $75 for an hour long Akashic Records reading with me.