Hello beautiful people! I hope you are all having a great week so far. For the last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about self-care and connecting with myself more. The reality of it is that I don’t set aside enough time to be by myself and really listen to myself and my needs. And this is what self-care is all about, right?
To be completely honest, I am super busy with Akashic Record readings, The Soul Tribe Podcast and soon will be starting a YouTube channel (spoiler alert)! Not to mention a project we have going on with my sister Lucia which is due to come out in February (soooo excited!). What I want to say with all this is that there is A LOT on my plate, along with my 9-5 and trying to keep up with my healthy habits and working out. I truly want 2020 to be the year I get in balance with myself and my life.
With that in mind, I feel like there should never be any excuse to ignore our needs. We need to make a conscious effort to put in time for self-care. We deserve it! Besides, it doesn’t have to be an hour long, sometimes we just need 10 minutes a day. Who doesn’t have 10-15 minutes in their day to spare?
What is self-care? The concept of self-care has changed so much since I started really, fully loving and accepting myself. I believe everything happens for us and not to us. I also believe this idea more and more each day. My journey with self love has been long and will be never ending. I am ok with this because I truly believe we are all a constant work in progress. In essence self-care is tuning into ourselves and providing what we need to be balances, healthy and thriving in every aspect of our lives.
To me self-care is an act that fills our cup and makes us feel whole. No one can give this to us, only we can provide this for ourselves. Some great example for me would be meditation, journaling, self-reiki, doing an oracle card reading for myself and opening my own Akashic Records. There are many, many more but you get the gist of it!
Why do I consider meditation self-care? This is self-care because it is an act that makes me feel centered, aligned spiritually, mentally and physically. I do think some of us can get this from a relaxing bath with salts/oils, or maybe even sitting down to have a soulful chat with a close friend or family member. It’s the feeling we can extract from the act and the end result of practicing that act.
Some days you may find that sitting down with someone else to chat may fill your cup, and other times you need to go in and internally process or see things. We are constantly evolving, our cells are regenerating, we are not the same people we were yesterday, we change and we need to adapt to what is needed in the here and now.
listen to what your body needs by connecting to your intuition
What does your self-care routine look like? Is it feeding you or leaving you feeling empty? All I know is that after I truly listen to what I need (or don’t need by saying NO) I instantly feel at peace and internally aligned. My body feels it and I am calm and secure in myself.
How can we make self-care spiritual? We can make almost anything spiritual. In my opinion if we use our intuition (or gut) we can find out what our soul needs and apply it to our lives and self-care, in that way making it a more spiritual act.
How can we listen to our intuition? That’s a whole other blog post I am going to write about very soon, but in essence it means quieting your mind and taking out external validation, needs and wants. We can ask ourselves out loud or in our head: “What do I need right now?” or “What will help me feel more aligned and connected to myself right now?” and see what feelings and answers come through. I guarantee that something will come through.
We actually have an entire Soul Tribe Podcast episode about intuition that might help you, take a listen here.
Once we identify what we need to take care of ourselves, we then need to take the pressure off ourselves to make things perfect. If we don’t meditate for the exact amount of time each day it won’t work, or it’s not good enough. That attitude is only feeding us anxiety, self loathing and nervous energy. In order to align and get connected we need to take all the pressures off, listen to our intuition and take care of ourselves as each of us sees fit and feels right for us.
Just because this or that person does these specific things doesn’t mean that’s the best option for YOU. We need to be completely honest with ourselves and make the time, let the people around us know what we need and get in tune with ourselves. That’s all it takes. Making ourselves a priority and choosing what fills our cup instead of emptying it.
I believe that we all have the capacity to tune into our intuition and find the answers we need to give ourselves the self-care we need.
I would love for some of you to share what your self-care routine looks like. Maybe it’s not a routine, maybe it’s just something you turn to when you need to connect to yourself and align. Whatever it is, I would love to hear from all of you.
Love you all!
x Love & Light x