Verse to Connect with Your Intuition

💫 Verse to Connect with Your Intuition 💫

I truly believe we are all here on earth as incarnated souls to live life fully and purposefully. In order to do this we need to connect to our power and gifts through our intuition and knowings.

Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can connect with your breath for a few minutes. Observe any thoughts that come up. Don’t judge them….just see them and allow them to turn into particles and disintegrate.

Relax your entire body….your face, your shoulders, your jaw…..your back, legs….working your way down from your head to your toes. Allowing each inhale and exhale to ground you into this present moment, into the here and now. Becoming aware of any emotions that arise in this stillness. Not judging anything, just allowing things to flow in this state of heightened awareness.

Give yourself a few minutes to ground into the present moment and when you feel calm and still you can place your hands over your heart and repeat the below verse our loud or in your head:

I am here, I am grounded, I am present.

I choose to use my Free Will in order to heal and connect with myself.

I allow all messages and information to flow into my consciousness through my intuition.

I connect with my spiritual team, my guides, the universe and all beings of light that are on this path of pure light. I ask that they guide me and assist me as I heal and connect with my light and power.

Opening the avenues of communication and I am ready to receive divine guidance for my higher good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

DONT FORGET!!! During the month of March I am offering FREE Flower Essence Therapy with my 60 minute and 90 minute Akashic Record Readings. You can reach out via my contact form to book an Akashic Record Reading and/or a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

x love and light x