Forgiveness and Healing - Why We Need This For Ourselves

Forgiveness and Healing-Lorena Espiga.png

We have heard this over and over again! Forgiveness will set you free. Why is forgiveness so important? Well, this is something I have learned through the Akashic Records and personal experience. When we don’t forgive (or say we forgive but don’t forget - this is the same thing as not forgiving), we hurt ourselves, we poison ourselves.

If we stand in a place of compassion, understanding and self-love we would never allow anger, resentment and fear to take over our life. This will literally poison us and block us from living our truth and learning the lessons we need to learn. When we don’t forgive we stay stuck, frozen in a place of low vibration energy. We choose this for our selves. Forgiveness has nothing to do with others, and everything to do with ourselves.

You may be asking now, what if someone really hurt me? Intentionally hurt me? That may be part of the greater plan, a karmic lesson you had to learn with that specific person. The problem is when we don’t forgive we don’t move on, learn, grow and elevate. We get stuck. The other person may even move forward as they have completed their mission with us, yet we stay in this place of resentment. We need to realise that the situation is there for us, to teach us something, for us to grown. When we don’t forgive, essentially we are not growing and we get stuck.

Something we mention time and time again on The Soul Tribe Podcast is the term “free will.” We all have soul contracts and certain things we have come into this life to learn and grown from, but when we don’t forgive we aren’t completing the cycle. What happens when we don’t complete cycles? We repeat karmic lessons in the future. This isn’t the worst thing in the world, but we are more likely to come back in the next life with a harder lesson. Why not see all these situations we are put into today as learning lessons and not as things that are happening to us and act as if we are a victim?

We are not victims! We are free and we are spiritual beings on this earth (incarnated souls) to learn the lessons we need to grow and ascend. The more we see everything as lessons and growth the better off we are, and the smoother this ride called life will be.

Forgiving is healing. Healing means we vibrate higher, we attract more of this into our lives and we thrive. When we don’t act from a place of victimisation we are free and we can use our divinely given free will to do better in this life. We all carry some type of karmic lesson we need to live in this life. It may be small or even large o the point it takes over out life. It is our job as incarnated souls to see everything differently, awaken and act from a place of forgiveness so we can heal.

Something I am called to point out now (I am channeling information from the Akashic Records) is that forgiving does not mean we need to take BS from anyone. No! We stand our ground, speak up for ourselves, demand to be treated better….and release the hold the person, people or group has on us by forgiving. We can manage every situation in our life with self respect by putting up the boundaries and demanding respect. Free will plays a role here too.

As the masters have mentioned in other moments during the podcast, they don’t expect perfection. They want us to act out of love and soul guided intuition. Use your gut/intuition, whatever you want to call it, to make the right decisions for yourself in this life. This amazing gift we have all been given and have to make things better. To recreate a better reality and to thrive. We all have this power!

xx love & light xx
