spiritual awakening

42. Soul contracts and the human body

In this episode we talk about soul contracts and the human body. We catch you up on the Akashic Records Level 1 courses we have been doing and what is going on with The Soul Tribe Podcast future.

We talk all about the 3rd and 5th dimensions and what part our physical body plays in our spiritual journey of life and our contract. We chat about food, healing and how to navigate these times in the best way possible in order to keep our bodies (our vessel) clean and aligned. The more aligned we are, the more we are able to center ourselves in health and vibrate at a higher frequency so we can thrive during times of uncertainty.

41. Interview with Kristos and Foster Perry - What is really going on right now energetically and how we can navigate this new way of living

Hey Soul Tribe! We are so exciting to share the latest interview we did with Kristos and Foster Perry. We talk about what is going on energetically right now, how we need to help ourselves and others and a lot more. Kristos and Foster were kind enough to share their tips and tricks to stay aligned and healthy during this time. We hope you enjoy this episode!

40. Interview with Sixtina Friedrich - Her journey with crystals grids, energy work and trusting her intuition/path

We had the pleasure of chatting with Sixtina and we went into so many different topics in this episode - crystal gids, her beautiful custom jewellery, energy work, and a lot more!

32. Interview with Miriam - Ayurveda, Doshas, Preventative Medicine, Panchakarma and more!

The Soul Tribe Podcast had the pleasure of interviewing Miriam Alberts, who is an Ayurvedic practitioner with her own practice and school. During the interview we went into what Ayurveda is, the Dosha’s, health issues Miriam has dealt with, panchakarma, food and more! We didn’t know much about ayurveda so this interview is super insightful and will help anyone that is just starting to learn and wants to know more.

30. Soul Groups and Soul Mates - what are soul mates, soul groups and how we are all connected

Hey Soul Tribe! In this episode we explain what a Soul group (aka: Soul tribe) and a Soul mate are and how they play a role in our life. We explain why soul groups are so important for our evolution and expansion. As well we get into detail about how we evolve with our Soul group and Soul mates.