40. Interview with Sixtina Friedrich - Her journey with crystals grids, energy work and trusting her intuition/path

The Soul Tribe Podcast Ep 40.png

We had the pleasure of chatting with Sixtina and we went into so many different topics in this episode - crystal gids, her beautiful custom jewellery, energy work, and a lot more!

Sixtina had a very potent experience with Ethereal Beings from other dimensions who introduced her to crystals and crystal grids. Since then she has been passionate about creating spiritual crystal jewelry that assists people on their path to Ascension and Self-Realization. She tells us all about her journey to creating these beautiful energetic masterpieces.  We hope you enjoy this episode! Stay safe and take care of one another. Sending you lots of love soul tribe!

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FACEBOOK - Sixtina Friedrich - https://www.facebook.com/sixtina19
INSTAGRAM - @sixtinachrysonnya
WEBSITE - https://www.crystalixir.com
CUSTOM JEWELLERY - https://bit.ly/2Vn6rRP

WEBSITE: http://www.thesoultribepodcast.com
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/soul_tribe_podcast/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/soultribepodcast/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf4Q6FirylrkrmbwiKvtgaA
LORENA'S WEBSITE: https://www.lorenaespiga.com
LORENA'S INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lorenaespiga_wellness/
LUCIA'S WEBSITE: http://www.luciaespiga.com
LUCIA'S INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/lucia.espiga/