How Your Birth and Delivery Affect Your Life and Lessons

How Your Birth and Delivery Affect Your Life and Lessons

What happened during the pregnancy, birth and delivery can have a profound impact on our life, lessons and experiences. Cellular memory and unconscious programming play a big part in what we play out after these experiences of coming into this incarnation. Rebirthing, Family Constellation, Akashic Records and Humanistic Astrology are all great ways to get in touch with this information in order to bring light to it, heal it and reprogram what we need to in order to live OUR life.

When Not to Open Your Akashic Records

When Not to Open Your Akashic Records

You know I LOVE the Akashic Records, but there are some circumstances where opening your Akashic Records or someone else's is not ideal. In the latest video I uploaded to my channel I go into just some of the reasons or things you may need to be aware of, and when it might not be ideal to open your Akashic Records.

My Journey with the Akashic Records | Akashic Record Reader

My Journey with the Akashic Records | Akashic Record Reader

Today I wanted to bring you a Q&A video all about the Akashic Records. I get questions all the time via our courses, as well as via social media and I thought it would be easier to answer these here so you can refer back to them as needed.

🔮 Akashic Records Message - July 14, 2021 🔮

🔮 Akashic Records Message - July 14, 2021 🔮

An Akashic Records message all about moving our energy, creating change and co-creating with the universe. he universe, our Soul and our Masters and Guides are here supporting us through any and all decisions we make. We need to clear the way, become still and connect with ourselves so we can hear those messages and know what we need to do. It's not a matter of what, but of when.

Akashic Records Q&A: Answering your Questions about the Akashic Records

Akashic Records Q&A: Answering your Questions about the Akashic Records

Today I wanted to bring you a Q&A video all about the Akashic Records. I get questions all the time via our courses, as well as via social media and I thought it would be easier to answer these here so you can refer back to them as needed.

Why you need to learn to read your own Akashic Records! 📚✨

Why you need to learn to read your own Akashic Records! 📚✨

The Akashic Records changed my life, allowed me to connect to myself, heal and be more confident in speaking up and communicating. I know deep down inside that I have this tool for the rest of my life and that I can lean on it when I most need it. The relationship I am cultivating with my Masters, Guides and Soul are important and allow me to feel connected and balanced.

Why you can't connect to your own Akashic Records

Why you can't connect to your own Akashic Records

I just posted a video on YouTube talking all about the reasons why you can't connect to your own Akashic Records. This is something I get asked about a lot, especially through the courses we teach. It's a topic very near and dear to my heart due to the journey I have been on with the Akashic Records. I wanted to shed more light on it and bring awareness to all of these struggles.

Free Flower Essence Formula in July

Free Flower Essence Formula in July

We are almost into July, can you believe it? If you are following along with The Soul Tribe Podcast you would know we are celebrating our 100th episode! What? I know, crazy huh! To celebrate this important milestone I am extending my FREE flower essence therapy into July. When you book your next Akashic Records reading in July you will receive a FREE flower essence formula with your reading.

Energy Update - May 21, 2021

Energy Update - May 21, 2021

The Masters and Guides want us to understand that as incarnated souls in this human realm...souls trapped in a body...we are here to break patterns and boundaries outside of the physical realm through our spirituality.

June Flower Essence Recommendation

June Flower Essence Recommendation

We have been bombarded with so much information this year, and as the Akashic Records have said...this is the year of truths, there is no denying this. Everything will come to light and we need to be in the right energy and frame of mind to be able to process this all. This is where shasta daisy comes in.

Free Flower Essence Formula in June

Free Flower Essence Formula in June

Hey Friends! Happy June! I am offering FREE flower essence therapy to anyone that books an Akashic Records reading in June. 🌼

It's Never too Late

It's Never too Late

It's never too late to go for your dreams and desires. Start by looking inward and working on your self-love and self-worth and you will be divinely guided. Trust your intuition and the path you are on, wherever you are right now. It will lead you to the next step, and ultimately to where you need to be.

Akashic Message - May 16, 2021

Akashic Message - May 16, 2021

DECENTRALISING OUR LIVES. This is a message I have been getting for some time now, but it became even stronger this year. We are moving into a new energy of decentralisation and freedom. We need to release this need for things to be looked over, watched and controlled. We are brought up to believe that our teachers, parents and others know what’s best for us (or know better than us), instead of trusting our own intuition and guidance. We need to decentralise everything in our lives by using our inner guidance system. Everything else will follow.

May Flower Essence Recommendation

May Flower Essence Recommendation

With these strong messages, I chose to share with you the Flower Essence Society essence, Rosemary. Rosemary takes us out of that dream state and the disconnect and allows us to be in the here and now. It connects us to our body and the present moment.

🔮 Akashic Oracle Message April 2021 🔮

🔮 Akashic Oracle Message April 2021 🔮

This card I pulled is linked to many of the messages on episode 88 of The Soul Tribe Podcast. What needs to be at the forefront of our intentions and actions is bringing the truth forward for ourselves and others. Bringing our truth, our story and what needs to be spoken forward. Not from a place of Ego, Fear or structure but from a place of love, peace and understanding.

Judgement and the Akashic Records

Judgement and the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a judgement-free zone. When we connect to our Akashic Records or someone else's records, the energy is high vibrational and allows us to see things from the perspective of this non-judgment.

What's on my mind...

What's on my mind...

I have been thinking a lot about life lately...I know, super deep, right? ✨Some things have happened recently that have really made me think about what REALLY matters in this life. Like actually matter, you know? What will I leave behind? How will I impact people?

Akashic Rune Reading of the week (March 8, 2021)

Akashic Rune Reading of the week (March 8, 2021)

Akashic Rune Reading for March 8, 2021. In order to move forward, we need to go inward and listen to ourselves, our intuition...our needs. Connecting with ourselves from a very connected and personal space. Not seeking answers outside of ourselves, because looking for external responses/answers will only cause us to move in a direction that doesn't feel authentic to us.

Free Flower Therapy with Akashic Record Readings in March

Free Flower Therapy with Akashic Record Readings in March

I am so excited to announce that I have decided to extend my offer of FREE Flower Therapy with any Akashic Record Reading until the end of March.

March Flower Essence Recommendation

March Flower Essence Recommendation

This month we have Self-Heal. A Flower Essence Society essence that I feel so important for every one of us with everything going on in the world today. Many of us are needing to strengthen our immune system and find our source of health through connection and wisdom.