In this episode we talk about what self love and self care means to us and our struggles that we find a lot of people around us also go through on their spiritual path. See all the show notes notes below:
For lucia self care/love means taking time for meditation (quieting the mind) which turns out it’s also a moment for channeling messages from her masters and guides. She received great information for herself and her family, it’s like and Akashic records reading for herself. Meditation means she is checking in with herself.
For Lucia working out also is included in the self care & self love ritual. Working out to feel good, feel like she can move better and she loves herself more. It helps her with her mind when she runs, to process feelings and feel like she can get through things better. Working out to help connect to herself, her body and mind at the same time.
For Lorena this is kundalini yoga where she can let emotions out, this gives her space to let things out and get the emotions out. It’s an hour and a half of allowing yourself to let stuff out and giving yourself time to breathe. The act of physical breathing allows for processing emotions and thoughts. As well journaling in the morning is self love and meditation in the morning, these are vital to start the day right. Having time to herself and being with herself, maybe doing something for herself in that time as well. Just being with herself.
For Lorena exercising wasn’t always about self love, it was more about looking a certain way. Now moving her body/working out is about making time for herself. She hasn’t been following a program, it’s more about listening to her body and what feels right on the day. It’s doing things that are good for your body and feels good. It’s about being gentle with yourself.
Self love is listening to yourself, being compassionate with yourself, not pressuring yourself to show up in a certain way. Strip away all the layers and really prioritize yourself and your wellbeing (spiritual, mental, physical).
Be gentle with yourself.
Get outside of the structure/obligations and listen to yourself and what feels right for you.
Enjoy what you are doing and be in the moment. Don’t always do things for an outcome, do it for the enjoyment
For Lucia after having kids it was hard for her to accept her body. She kept working out and enjoying it, letting go of the pressure of looking a certain way and by doing this she workout out more often and really enjoyed it. She tries to eat healthy and moving her body for herself.
Self love after the pregnancy was a struggle and took Lucia a long time to get to where she is now. Accepting herself and feeling ok with herself. The before and after pictures that everyone is showing of their post baby weight/body us a lot of times unrealistic and gives us unhealthy goals to work for.
The more pressure we put on ourselves with self care and self love it just makes things harder.
Everyone’s body is different and we can’t expect unrealistic things from ourselves. We need to be honest with ourselves.
Being a new mom and taking care of yourself (self love) is so hard and for Lucia this was when she had the hardest time with self love and looking after herself.
Being a new mom really does test your self love, it’s hard enough finding time for yourself but when you needs are put to the side, even harder.
Sometimes you don’t need an hour, you just need a few minutes to just breathe.
Self love is a journey. When Lorena started loving herself more there was a huge shift of saying no to a lot of things that didn’t align, respecting herself more and realizing that what other people think doesn’t matter as much as being true to yourself.
Saying no to things is important, putting up your boundaries and respecting yourself.
When you start living authentically things in your life start shifting, people come in and out of your life and things feel different.
Spending time with yourself and doing things you love as opposed to doing things out of FOMO or because you can’t say no in case people won’t like you anymore.
Letting go of people that maybe don’t serve you and don’t align with you is big. When we shift and change everything starts changing. People will come in and out and that’s ok.
When Lorena started loving herself she now feels like she can lean on herself and she doesn’t need other people to be there for her all the time like before. She can be there for herself and be compassionate with herself.
Lucia felt very out of place, left out and put to the side when she became vegan. She felt angry with people about it, she felt hurt since she felt left out.
How Lucia and Lorena feel about drinking and being around certain situations. How we need to put up boundaries, but also respect people and their journey. The struggles with alcohol and how there doesn’t seem to be a medium at times.
Self love sometimes starts with getting in tune with your spiritual path and tuning into your higher self.
Putting up boundaries with people is important in self love, just as important as saying no to things that don’t align with you.
Communication and saying how you feel is self love.
Be patient with yourself in your self love journey. Work on each element that comes up, your “weaknesses” and strengthen what needs to be lifted.
Be there for yourself before you are there for everyone else. Listen to yourself and how you feel.
Trust that if you are living authentically that things will fall into place. If you are always living from a place of self love, being authentic and being yourself things will work out. Trusting the process and trusting yourself to guide you in the right direction. Being patient is important on this journey, especially with yourself. Don’t force things. Figure out who you are. Be you!
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