8. Meditation, Mindfulness and Self Work


This episode is all about meditation and mindfulness techniques/methods we can use for our own self work and self awareness. It’s so important to take time to be with yourself and take care of yourself, whatever that means to you.


  • Meditation - Different things work for different people, how meditation can help with self love and you can make this part of you self care routine (your you time).

  • Having a busy schedule and fitting in meditation and self work (self-care). Figure out what works for your schedule and your life. Some people it works best in the morning, or maybe you need to find a slot of time in the afternoon or even in the evening after work/before bed.

  • Finding space sometimes is hard. Noise and people around you may never go away or die down so you need to figure out how to make it work under whatever circumstances you have. Put on some headphones and drown out noise with some meditation music, binaural beats or music with a specific Hrz to heal different things.

  • Lorena: self reiki and meditation works for me at night now, since in the morning she doesn’t have time.

  • Lucia: Meditation works at night before sleeping since she has time to herself, the house is quiet and she really has time to herself.

  • Intentional meditation - Connecting to higher post of self and bringing down light that I want to heal or work on. Ask for what is lacking or what I need, to see certain things, to lower anxiety. Every color will bring something different to you and your body. Journal on what you feel you need to work on and make it a point to intentionally work on this when you meditate.

  • Book: Communing with the Divine: A Clairvoyant's Guide to Angels, Archangels, and the Spiritual Hierarchy (Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis). Link to book on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Communing-Divine-Clairvoyants-Archangels-Spiritual/dp/0399167749/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=QXKH61Y691X20V4YNV30

  • Book: Change Your Aura, Change Your Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unfolding Your Spiritual Power (Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis). Link to book on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Your-Aura-Step-Step/dp/110198306X

  • Change Your Aura, Change Your Life - Lucia mentions this book when she talks about her intentional meditation, she uses this book to help her with the meditation.

  • Intentional meditation for Lorena is her Reiki: she envisions high energy and healing. Reiki helps calm her mind down.

  • Mindfulness meditation: sitting with yourself and observing thoughts and letting them go. Not judging your thoughts and just observe. Sometimes Lorena would meditate and envision what she would want or need, like fully loving herself and living the life she wants. This would help her shift her thinking and make her day start positive.

  • Your morning routine or night routine shouldn’t predict the outcome of your day, more so enhance it and help you make space for yourself and calming your mind and letting emotions pop up if needed. 

  • Meditation helps ground you and tune into yourself.


(we are not experts but we wanted to provide some tips that have worked for us and our lives)

  1. Start slow and don’t pressuring yourself. If you miss a day don’t beat yourself up. Don’t make it an obligation, make it enjoyable. Start slow and gradually. Start feeling the benefits and allow it to progressively build up to a routine. Allow it to become part of your day without it dictating your day. It can be something you look forward to and crave but if you miss a day, it’s ok! You want something that will work long term, so start slow.

  2. Treat the meditation or time as your you time. It’s a spiritual and mental pampering for your self. It’s important to have time to yourself. Meditation can help you ground yourself. Create a positive association and maybe put it into your schedule. Treat it like a time/moment that you are taking care of yourself. If meditation doesn’t work for you, it could be anything that works for you and makes you feel grounded and connected. Meditation can also be a great time to receive intuitive messages. Lucia finds herself channeling information about herself and family members during her meditation and connecting to her higher self. It’s a time you are connecting to yourself. You can feel things and allow emotions to come up.

  3. Schedule when best works for you. Morning, afternoon, evening…whatever works best for you. Lorena works best in the morning, for Lucia it works best in the evening before bed. Be realistic and schedule the time that works best for you. In any case make sure you aren’t rushed and that you have the space.

  4. Don’t go full on right away. Slow increments of time will help you stay consistent. Slowly add time onto your meditations and mindfulness practice. Be realistic! 45 minutes when you are starting won’t work and might not help you stay consistent. Consistency is key, just like with fitness and nutrition. To see benefits you need to be consistent and even just doing 5 minutes a day for awhile will help. Guided meditations on Youtube or apps can help, there is a beginning and an end, so use those if those help at first. 10-20 minute meditations are amazing and you get the benefits. Find what works for you and do that, even if it’s 5 minutes.


Primed Mind - https://www.primedmind.com 
Headspace - https://www.headspace.com
Calm - https://www.calm.com 

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